: Flow Switches & meters you need for a wide array of use! Gordy’s Sensors is the home for high quality flow switches and meters. Here, you get a wide range of flow switches and meters at best prices in the US market. We specialize in sensing, monitoring and measuring products for most industries. You can get flow-captor 4120.12, 4120.13, 4121.12, 4121.13 and flow-captor smart meter type 4115.30 sm, KAL-K & KAL-A compact thermal flow sensor and more. We always recommend our customers the best of best solution, at the most economical price range. Our experienced team is available to help with your applications. Feel free to visit our website gordyssensors.com to browse our variety of products online now at https://gordyssensors.com/prod....uct-category/flowmet