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All about information for RRB JE 2024 Exam Pattern
Everything regarding the RRB JE 2024 Exam Pattern Details. Information for the RRB JE Exam Pattern is available from Engineers Academy. This includes the CBT 1 Exam Pattern, which covers Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, and General Science Total Question 100; and the CBT 2 Exam Pattern, which covers General Awareness, Physics and Chemistry, Fundamentals of Computers and Applications, Fundamentals of Environment and Pollution. In total, there are 150 questions. The minimum qualifying marks for CBT-1 and CBT-2 are 40% for applicants in the UR category, 30% for candidates in the Obt and ST categories, and 25% for candidates in the ST category. Shortlisted applicants for CBT-2 will be chosen in a 1:15 ratio according to their CBT-1 scores. For each erroneous answer, there will be a 1/3rd marking deduction for each question in CBT-1 and CBT-2. Visit our Website https://www.engineersacademy.o....rg/blog/rrb-je-recru for more information
