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While Bodoc's work is primarily targeted towards young adults, its universal themes and powerful messages resonate with readers of all ages. Her novels encourage readers to reflect on their own actions, question societal norms, and consider the consequences of their choices. Through her captivating stories, Bodoc invites us to explore the human condition and the potential for change.

In addition to the "Los Días" trilogy, Bodoc penned several other notable works. "La Saga de los Confines" (The Saga of the Borders) is a landmark in Argentine literature, comprising five novels set in a mythical and fantastical world. Once again, Bodoc weaves a tale of epic proportions, exploring themes such as environmentalism, social injustice, and the power of collective action.

Bodoc's contribution to Argentine literature goes beyond her written works. She dedicated much of her life to promoting literacy and encouraging young people to engage with literature. Her passion for storytelling and her belief in the transformative power of words led her to become an advocate for reading, participating in countless literary events and initiatives aimed at fostering a love for literature in the younger generations.

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